After living in Denmark for 40 days I am finally sitting down to begin my blog for all of you out there who are interested in what I am up to over here. I am planning on including bits and pieces of the story of how I came to be a full-time (professional as we would call it back home) soccer player for the top team in Denmark. It has been a crazy adventure that’s for sure. I have signed a one year contract which runs out June 30th, 2010. So far I absolutely love living in this country, love my new team and teammates, and find myself fitting in well with the slower paced life here. After living for one month in the basement of the clubhouse, more stories to come later, I was blessed with my very own apartment only 5 minutes by bike away from where I train everyday. I am already finding it difficult to keep my entries short as there is so much detail and so many stories I would love to share. I don’t see them slowing up at any point and I really wish I would’ve started this up right when I moved here. Amidst all that is happening I am sure of one thing and that is that God is graciously giving me the desires of my heart!

My dad and step mom have been here visiting me for the past week and are getting ready to return to the States tomorrow. It was great having them around and even better that they now understand better what my life is like here so far away from home. The club let me use one of the cars for the entire week and so we were able to travel around the northern part of the country to places such as Saeby, Skagen, and Lonstrup and even made it over to Gothenburg (Goteborg as spelled over here) Sweden for a day and a night via a 3 hour ferry ride out of Frederikshavn. I will post links to pictures of these incredible coastal cities/towns/villages- call them as you wish- in the next couple of days with better descriptions of what the land is like here.

This week has been my first week really getting out and seeing places outside of my little city of 25,000 people. It helped that I had a car to use and that I didn’t have to figure out the buses or the trains. During what I will call my normal weeks I will have two to three different fodbold (soccer for all you Americans) obligations a day except for Wednesday, which is always our day off unless we have a game so there isn’t much time left for traveling around, but when I see I have the chance I will take it!

There is so much that has happened since my first day here in Denmark and I cannot wait to share all that God is blessing me with and the doors that he is opening for me. He has placed numerous people in my life who check up on me, invite me over for home cooked meals, and two very  special families who have adopted me. I got connected right away with a church and a solid Christian community. I am looking forward to meeting more people my age to spend time with. I am confident with my decision to sign on with Fortuna for a year and know I am here for an even bigger purpose than I could ever imagine.

I am excited to begin sharing my journey with you and hope that you will be encouraged and inspired to pursue your dreams and to walk in God’s will.

***Happy Birthday Mom! Love you!***